Construction & Demolition
Construction and demolition noise can have adverse effects on the community if construction activities are not appropriately managed, with due regard to the timing and duration of the works, the locations and sensitivities of receivers located in the vicinity of work sites, the construction methods applied and optimisation of acoustic shielding.
Featured Project

Gage Roads Brewery, A-Shed Fremantle, WA
ACA undertook the environmental noise and internal fitout acoustic assessment for a proposed brewery that will take place within a heritage port facility in Fremantle, WA.
Consturction / Demolition Environmental Services
Construction noise guidelines are intended to manage noise and vibration effects from construction projects. These make proponents accountable for their environmental performance, by ensuring that construction noise is assessed, planned and managed in a risk-based manner within a framework to drive construction practices that minimise noise impacts on the community. This includes credible community engagement and transparent justification of proposed impact mitigation measures.
Acoustics Consultants Australia staff have significant experience in construction and demolition noise assessment. Our experience includes construction noise assessments in relation to small development applications for individual residences, to leading the noise and vibration scope of services and providing inputs required throughout the planning, design and construction phases of large and complex transport and infrastructure projects.
Specialist Advice
Our staff have provided lead roles and technical inputs on various construction projects including:
- New South Wales: Sydney Metro, Sydney CBD Light Rail, Parramatta Light Rail, Newcastle Light Rail, WestConnex Enabling Works, NorthConnex, Transport for NSW Station & Commuter Carpark Upgrades, University of Sydney & University of NSW campus upgrades
- Western Australia: Perth Stadium Railway Duplication and Pedestrian Bridge, Equinix PE3 Data Centre, One Subiaco Development, Forresfield Airport Link, Nicholson Road Railway Station, Claisebrook Railcar Stow Roads and Perth Airport upgrade.
Infrastructure Delivery
Our inputs assist developers balance the needs of infrastructure delivery, whilst managing the environmental impacts on affected receivers.
Contact us for assistance with:
- Construction noise and vibration impact assessments
- Construction noise and vibration management plans
- Construction noise monitoring
- Vibration monitoring
- Out of hours works approvals
- Construction noise and vibration control mitigation strategies
- Stakeholder and community engagement
- Peer review
Environmental Noise & Vibration Projects

Commercial Bakery, Occupational Noise Assessment, Adelaide, SA
ACA staff undertook an occupational health and safety noise audit at a large commercial bakery in South Australia.

Gage Roads Brewery, A-Shed Fremantle, WA
ACA undertook the environmental noise and internal fitout acoustic assessment for a proposed brewery that will take place within a heritage port facility in Fremantle, WA.

30Mtpa Coal Mine, Galilee Basin, QLD
ACA staff undertook the environmental noise and vibration assessment for a proposed open cut coal mine, that would produce 30 million tonnes of thermal coal for the export market annually for 30 years.

Windfarm South Otaga, NZ
ACA staff were heavily involved with the success of an application to develop a 9 turbine Wind Farm in a rural location in South Otago, NZ.

Incitec Pivot, Kooragang Island, NSW
ACA staff undertook the environmental noise assessment for the proposed expansion of the Kooragang Island Ammonium Nitrate processing plant site