Our Projects

30Mtpa Coal Mine, Galilee Basin, QLD
ACA staff undertook the environmental noise and vibration assessment for a proposed open cut coal mine, that would produce 30 million tonnes of thermal coal for the export market annually for 30 years.
The mine is situated in central Queensland. The noise study was carried out as part of the project’s Environmental Impact Assessment.
Noise and vibration emissions from construction and mining operations were assessed. These being generated from the operation of mining equipment, onsite coal handling and preparation plant and train load out facilities. Additionally, air blast overpressure and ground vibration impacts from the use of blasting explosives were assessed. 3D environmental noise models of the site were prepared to evaluate noise emissions over several kilometers and under various prevailing meteorological conditions.
The closest potentially affected receivers are existing homesteads in the surrounding vicinity of the mine, where background noise levels are low due to the rural environment. Long-term noise monitoring was undertaken at these localities to evaluate their existing acoustic environments.