Architectural Acoustics Services
We provide architectural acoustical design services for situations where achieving good sound within a building or room is important.
This may be about achieving good speech intelligibility in a theatre, bar/restaurant, public place or railway station concourse, or enhancing the quality of music in a concert hall, music practice room or recording studio. Reducing extraneous noise to make offices and homes more comfortable, productive and pleasant places to work and live in is also a consideration.
We use computer modelling methods to optimse the use of absorption, diffusion and placements of sound sources within internal spaces, where the acoustical qualities of the space are important.
All Acoustics Projects

Commercial Bakery, Occupational Noise Assessment, Adelaide, SA
ACA staff undertook an occupational health and safety noise audit at a large commercial bakery in South Australia.

Gage Roads Brewery, A-Shed Fremantle, WA
ACA undertook the environmental noise and internal fitout acoustic assessment for a proposed brewery that will take place within a heritage port facility in Fremantle, WA.

30Mtpa Coal Mine, Galilee Basin, QLD
ACA staff undertook the environmental noise and vibration assessment for a proposed open cut coal mine, that would produce 30 million tonnes of thermal coal for the export market annually for 30 years.

Windfarm South Otaga, NZ
ACA staff were heavily involved with the success of an application to develop a 9 turbine Wind Farm in a rural location in South Otago, NZ.

Incitec Pivot, Kooragang Island, NSW
ACA staff undertook the environmental noise assessment for the proposed expansion of the Kooragang Island Ammonium Nitrate processing plant site